Blog #1: Workplace Stress
Blog #1: Workplace stress
October 25, 2023
Wooll, M. (2022, September 24). Causes of workplace stress: What is it and what are its effects?. BetterUp.
As the subject I've chosen is workplace stress, I figured I would begin my blog postings by defining the term and describing what causes it. This article discusses how one of the most prevalent forms of stress is job stress and how it may have a daily impact on you in a variety of ways. Improving your mental health requires understanding what's creating and managing your work-related stress.
Workplace stress is when your mind and body feel a sense of overwhelm due to high work demands that you can’t manage. You may feel like you can’t keep up with the work that has been assigned to your to-do list, whether that’s due to a short time constraint or an increased workload. When your body feels like you can’t keep up you start to feel more pressure to complete the tasks which overall is the cause of stress. When you are experiencing stress from other sources such as financial stability, illness, or daily life situations you are often more likely to burn out at work which can lead to quitting your job as your mind and body can no longer handle it. As stress is bound to happen at some point within any workplace, learning and knowing the causes can help benefit your future.
This article touches on how different types of stress might affect others differently so identifying your stressor is key when learning how to manage it. The author states that there are seven main stressors within the workplace, and they are the types of tasks assigned, the management style, relationships at work, your roles and responsibilities, future career concerns, work conditions, and your travel to and from work. Once you determine the root cause of your stress, you’ll have a better understanding of yourself and the importance of prioritizing your well-being. It’s important to be mindful of the workload you are taking on and remember to focus on your work-life balance, so you don’t reach a point you are unable to cope with.
Throughout reading this article, I found I could relate it to my job which is at Boston Pizza. When I first started there, I was an expo host which meant I was in charge of running the food to tables and packing up the take-out orders. The work environment was very fast-paced which led to an overwhelming feeling. There was never any time to take a break from the second you started your shift till the very end. Some days I was left with very little help, so all the pressure was put on me. If customers didn’t receive their food on time, it was set out to be my fault although there were many other contributing factors such as the food not being made properly or on time. Although I do enjoy a fast-paced work environment taking breaks is very important as it gives you a chance to collect your thoughts and calm down. As I was still in school full-time and cheerleading in the evenings, I became very overwhelmed quickly which led to feelings of stress at school and cheer as well. I then decided I needed to explain to my managers expo/host wasn’t for me and then they switched me to a more chill job task.
Thanks for reading, be sure to check out my other blogs!
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