Blog #5: Signs and How To Manage Stress

 Blog #5: Signs and How to Manage Stress

October 25, 2023

Health and Safety Executive. (2023, April 5). Work-related stress and how to manage it. HSE.,%2C%20relationships%2C%20role%20and%20change 

Managing stress is crucial, and it starts with recognizing the signs and knowing what to do when pressure builds up. This article explains how to identify stress and related behaviours in the workplace. Taking action early can help reduce stress and eliminate its causes. Being aware of these signs is key.


Although stress affects people differently based on skills and experience, age or disability, and other determining factors, understanding the signs can prevent or decrease workplace stress. If you notice a difference in your behaviour at work this could be a sign you are experiencing work-related stress. Your behaviour can be noticed while working on your own as well as in teams. This article states a few different ways signs of stress in teams are identified and they are arguments, higher sickness absences, higher staff turnover, decreased performance, more complaints and grievances, as well as more reports of stress. The signs of stress within a person can include taking more time off, arriving late for work, and being more agitated or fidgety. When dealing with workplace stress you may also experience mood swings, loss of motivation, loss of commitment, loss of confidence, or even being more sensitive and aggressive. If you notice any of these behaviours within the workplace, workplace stress may be the root cause. 


How to handle stress: teachers & education staff


Although the employees themselves may notice that they are experiencing stress some may be in denial or decide to ignore the signs. As the employer, it’s important to take action to protect their workers as it doesn’t benefit them in any way if their employees are experiencing stressful work environments as stress can affect their performance, attention span, or negative behaviours. Prioritizing your employee’s mental health will only come with positive outcomes so knowing the signs is very important to reduce or prevent workplace stress.


Working at Boston Pizza, I noticed they really care about their employees' well-being. As a student juggling a full course load, they always understood my busy schedule. If I couldn't work a specific week, they would adjust my schedule without any fuss, making the workplace stress-free. This understanding helped me stay focused and balanced. They encouraged taking breaks, acknowledging how it refreshed our minds for better performance. Plus, they stressed the importance of family time, letting me take days off during the year. This experience showed me the importance of balancing work and life, and how understanding employees makes a workplace better. Working at Boston Pizza really makes a difference in reducing my stress and I'm very thankful to have a job like that.

Thanks for reading, be sure to check out my other blogs!




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