Blog #2: Reducing Workplace Stress

  Blog #2: Reducing workplace stress

October 25, 2023

Melinda Smith, M. A. (2023, March 1). Stress at work. 


This article explains when workplace stress can be too much and how to recognize the signs. The authors provide tips on how to beat workplace stress and different things you can do outside of work that will better your health overall which can result in reduced stress. We can all relate to the feeling of overwhelm and stress whether that’s in the workplace, school, or everyday lives but knowing how to be proactive and get control over the stress is key, so it doesn’t get out of hand too quickly. 


Stress within the workplace can be a good thing at times as it motivates you by keeping you focused and energized. Although a little bit of stress is good, this can quickly lead to too much stress. There’s a fine line between stress being healthy and helpful and where it becomes harmful to your mind and body. If you start noticing signs such as sleeping problems, feelings of anxiousness, loss of interest at work, trouble concentrating, or other flu-like symptoms, it’s important to take action to try to overcome and beat workplace stress. 

Nine Ways Mindfulness Reduces Stress - Mindful

This article lists a few tips when trying to reduce workplace stress and the first one is by reaching out. Whether that’s sharing your feelings with someone who’s close to you personally or a co-worker at your workplace, it’s important to lean on someone you trust when expressing how you feel. The second tip listed was to support your health with exercise and nutrition. Physical movement is a key factor when trying to better your mental health as it gives you time in your day to be alone and clear your mind. Although it may seem like a small action, it makes a huge impact. Nutrition is also a significant contributing factor to supporting your health as when you put whole, nutritious foods into your body you are bound to feel much better. Tip 3 is not skipping out on sleep as getting a full night’s rest is important when ensuring productivity, and the ability to focus. Another tip this article speaks on is prioritizing and organizing. Staying organized can provide you with a sense of control within your day-to-day life which tends to reduce stress levels in and out of the workplace. The last tip is to break bad habits that contribute to workplace stress whether that’s setting unrealistic goals, or even trying to control situations you don’t have any control over.


I can relate to this article as last year I was overworking and not leaving myself time to focus on my mind and body. I was in school full-time working 4 days a week and cheerleading 3 days a week. I quickly found I was getting very burnt out as I wasn’t getting enough sleep each night, wasn’t eating nutritious meals, and felt there wasn’t enough time to complete everything. This year I recognized that I could not do that again as it is harmful to my body, so I decided to work a lot less and eat healthier meals. I have noticed my mental health has been a lot better as I feel I can complete what I need and I’m not feeling as overwhelmed. I’ve also noticed my workplace performance has gotten better as I’m more focused and attentive while I’m there as I no longer have extreme amounts of stress due to feelings of not being able to reach the deadlines. I’ve found it’s important to not overwork yourself and to take the proper breaks you need so you don’t reach a point that you can no longer control.

5 Ways Employers Can Reduce Stress in the Office


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